Sunday, March 26, 2017

"The Change"

To truly cherish the things that are important to you, 
you must first discard those that have outlived their purpose.
—Marie Kondo, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

So this is how you change a life
A little more than half way through.
I must be grateful not for my socks
But to my socks. They work so hard
At carrying me.

And really don’t we all deserve
To be rolled, then gently stood up straight?
From when I was a girl in pilly polyester tights
Choking on my turtleneck
I reached just like they tell you to do
For the stars within reason. But now
I’m half of the time on my knees
Collecting Lego, each one a snowflake.
Not like the Lego of my youth that was all bricks
Three colors like the French flag.
Like the movies I saw Rouge Blanc and Bleu
That called me: Make a movie like this where
the light moves across the frame
across the frame and across the face of a beautiful woman
and that is enough! I wanted to.

Half the time on my knees.

Oh, Karl Ove Knausgaard! Come sit by me and tell me how
You can change a diaper but my representation
Counciled me, cautioned me,
Never say family. Family means missing
Deadlines and unavailable for shooting.
You didn’t have to tell me that: I knew. Till I turned forty
And spread my legs for a syringe and a quiet bald man.
He knocked me up in under a minute
After all those years of hoping no one would.
In under a minute
I returned to the arms of the man I love. All hair.
Emerging from the cupboard with the Barely Legal magazines
He swore he didn’t touch.
Twice we did this.
For the king’s family.
Take them from me, don’t take them.
I would die without them.

Declutter my soul! Marie Kondo, I implore you!
I am unavailable for shooting!
I am too full of lyrics and resentment
I am too full of slogans and bad habits
Too full of small exclusions
Too full of wild assumptions
Of scrambled eggs and Power Rangers
Too, too full of parking tickets.
Are these hot flashes sparks of joy?
Move the fan to where it blows on me Marie
And oh Marie
These socks have carried us down the street
Down to the freeway and the front door’s standing open.